22 January 2013


I have arrived at the Foyer, my new home away from home. Everything seems to be fine. The room is small, but it is very clean and seems to have everything I want. I also have a nice view of the courtyard garden from my window. The building is complete with a roof top terrace and a beautiful view of the city! I can see the top of the Palais des Papes from here!

Foyer at Avignon
 Madame la Directrice seems very nice; after inspecting the room I got busy unpacking. I was a bit worried that the building would be cold, as so many of these old buildings here seem to be. Happily, the Foyer seems to have steam heating, so it is very warm! The showers are down the hall. Overall it's home-like.
The rooftop view from my room
They serve breakfast and dinner here five days a week; we have use of the kitchen on the weekends. I'll eat lunches, that's the main meal of the day here, at the University.

 The walk to the university is very short, and I saw the location of the university buildings, though I still have to find out how to get there on foot. It is very close, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm located within the university domaine.
Stone wall of the Papal Palace

The city itself is very pretty! Right now it is rather cold, because all of France is having a cold snap, and the Mistral wind, while not too strong today, is as frigid as promised!

The Pont d'Avignon
Decorative ironwork gate

I slept pretty well last night. It was very quiet. I walked around Avignon for several hours today. I went to the Palais des Papes and saw the Pont d' Avignon. I also saw the cathedral of Saint Peter. It was warmer today than yesterday; it drizzled a bit, the wind wasn't blowing.

The city is really interesting; there are all kinds of pretty bits of sculpture and architecture, often just sitting here or there: sculptures in niches on the walls, carved aches, delicate iron work, elaborate door knockers. They're all kinds of different things. The Papal palace is very impressive, though located on a cliff over the Rhone river and with such high walls, it 's almost more a 15th century Papal fortress!

The entrance to the Papal Palace
St. Peter Cathedrale Avignon

A French language keyboard

Oh, and the keyboards here are slightly different, and it is very annoying! I never thought about having a different language means different keyboards too!