28 January 2013

Impressions, My First Week

 Getting Around in Avignon

Yesterday I went walking around the main shopping district. The city here is the old city. It's almost completely surrounded by fortress like walls. I read that it's one of the best examples of  the fortified old cities remaining in France. There sure are a lot of different kinds of stores; some are big global chains that we have at home as well, but others are little, unique small businesses, and some are national French brands. It seems like everyone goes shopping on Saturday afternoons here. I went walking down along Le Place d' Horlogue and Rue de La Républic. It was quite busy.

La Place d'Horlogue, Avignon
The view overlooking the city
I also went to the public gardens behind the Palais des Papes. It is quite lovely, and has a wonderful view of the surrounding area because it is quite high up,  higher even than the Palais, which is built on a cliff overlooking the Rhone river.

Another surprising sculpture in the park.
The very attractive park near the
Palais Des Papes
I can't  believe I have only been here a week! I have set up a bank account, registered, paid my tuition, settled into the Foyer, learned my way around somewhat and discovered that I will learn more French here!

New Student Week!
Today starts new student week-- for international students. Sounds funny when I say that-- I guess that means me!  There will be a movie later tonight. There are a pretty lot of other students; some are here for the whole year, some are studying a semester.  I met a couple nice girls- there seems to be distinctly more women than men here-- today I've made the acquaintance of a Briton, a Chinese, an Australian and a Romanian who are like me, all here to study French.

The very functional University buildings
The elegant University of Avignon

Oh and also, I 'm getting more used to these French keyboards, though I still cannot find the apostrophe key!