10 April 2013

Some Days, You're the Pigeon...

A pigeon roosts on the head of this figure.
 I saw this statue with a pigeon on her head! It made me laugh. Some days you're  the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

Yesterday I went of the student exchange association trip to Arles and Sts. Maries de la Mer. The trip was interesting, except it rained steadily all day and wasn't very warm. Arles was the same as last time, the only difference beings it was wetter and they had the weekend market up, which was interesting.
Sts. Maries de la Mer seems like it would be very nice in good weather. Even in the rain the beach was pretty. However the town itself was all shut up because of the weather.

I also signed up for a horse back tour
of the Camargue, which was mostly fun.

The arena at Nimes.
The cathedrale at Nimes.

A very handsome fountain at Arles.
 It would have been awesome, but it rained all day. The Camargue was pretty. It reminds me a bit of swampy areas around the Mississippi river, though I think it isn't  quite as warm as say the Everglades or Louisiana's bayou. More like Tennessee or Mississippi. There were many water birds: herons, egrets, even pairs of swans. One was on a nest -- she watched us very carefully!

Art works at the Petit Palais, Avignon.
Friday I went the Petite Palais, which is a museum next to the Palace des Papes in Avignon.

The French sandwich called the Americain.
I saw a sandwich at a street food stand nearby called an Americain, and wanted to know what it was. It turns out to be a steakburger in a baguette with the sauce of your choice  so I got mayo with fries. Not really anything American, but tasty!